upland dog

upland dogs

Upland Dog

Upland Dog

Upland Dog


Upland dog also consider as hunting dog. Rom my research, German pointer is great with pheasant and quail, good disposition, highly intelligent and a good house dog as well. They are also pretty easy to train. This upland dog also hunt duck and geese too. But whatever your upland dog is, you need to train them properly:

1. Look at his face and eyes

How well your upland dog responds to you is directly proportional to your ability to engage him or her. Mostly, you engage your dog with your attitude which is reflected in your voice. Your voice alone should be enough to engage your dog. The key of this training is you should make your dog focus on your command. And make sure that your upland dog obey your command.

2. You don’t need to train your dog to do everything but to simply just be obedient, the rest follows.

He words you use are not so important, but the tone, pitch, volume and intensity you use are. Most people that calls dog trainer is remarkably monotone. For the best, you should train your upland dog by yourself, just like your baby. So your upland dog knows his/her master.

3. Training matter

The more training a upland dog has, the more it will pick up on subtle nuances in your intention. The better a trainer is, the more their voice will be rich with emotional content.

4. Being together still and calm

It is not that your dog knows something, but that you are working with him/her. It is not about the commands or even the quality of the interaction you have with your upland dog, it is WHO YOU ARE TO YOUR DOG, a real somebody your dog lives for at-your-service. So that, why self training upland dog is so important for you.

By Ary Setiawati

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